Today, talk is all about passion.

What’s your dream? Your drive?

Where do you stand for? What’s your bigger Why?

And often I read ‘what makes your Heart sing?’



– To live Life with Love –



As a multi-passionate Being my Heart sings about many things.

But to tell you what it is that makes it sing?

Whats the ‘one thing’ ?

I get the notion I’m supposed to have a niche, a specialty..and I do, but my heart sings for so much more than that… And trying to find, ‘what makes my heart sing’ can be a frustrating thing, if you have many interests, passions and talents.

Which one to choose as the vital source of passion in your life?

And the fact is.. We all do have many different talents! Than which are the ones that make our hearts sing?
Which are the ones we want to build our life and bussiness around?

How to choose wisely?

Thinking about it this morning, I realise I may have to twist the question.For my heart sings! It sings the whole day! And night!

It doesn’t stop, one single moment, and if it does, I hope to be old and wise and no longer in any need to find out about what makes it sing.

But do I always listen?
Do I hear its sweet lullaby, strong arias and heavy metal screams?

Thinking about why I heard her so loudly this morning, wanting to write this blog, I retrace my steps. What made me hear her voice?

I awoke rested and relaxed, early in the morning when everybody in the house was still asleep. 

Last night I had a beautiful conversation in which I felt heard and appreciated and encouraged to be fully me. The feeling is still with me. 

When I walk outside the soft early morning sun touches my face, crisp morning air refreshes my lungs.  The only things I hear are birds and insects for I’m surrounded by an incredible nature reserve. The stillness here is deafening. 

The only thing I can do on my phone is type these words, for there’s no wifi, and hardly any telephone connection.

I’ve been on a holiday for two weeks now, taking vitamins, exercising, swimming in the ocean, and going through a deeply emotional cleansing time of releasing old expectations, habits and patterns in my relationship. And I’m allowing myself to take baby steps in that, being as gentle as possible with myself and others along the way. 

I am almost full time surrounded by my lovely three kids, playing with them, hugging them, seeing them having a good time. 

I’ve been reading books (after no reading at all for it seems like ages) while laying in hammocks surrounded by beauty. 

Need I say more? Is there any need left to ‘find my niche’ and ‘make my heart sing’? Could it be the other way round? Could it be that if I would carve out time to allow myself a moment with my singing heart that it would for sure tell me what it is passionate about, what to do next , what to write about , who to speak with, what step to take next? And wouldn’t that naturally lead to a thriving life, bussiness, and creative outpouring of productivity?

My heart, and yours as well, sings with great electrical passion, 300 firings a minute, with so much fervour it has to slow itself down to the 65 beats/min not to loose itself in uncontrollable vibration. How often do we take time to slow down our pace, surround ourselves with beauty, appreciation and stillness as to feel into that incredible power?

Is there any need left to ‘find my niche’ and ‘make my heart sing’?

Could it be the other way round? Could it be that if I would carve out time to allow myself a moment with my singing heart that it would for sure tell me what it is passionate about, what to do next , what to write about , who to speak with, what step to take next?

And wouldn’t that naturally lead to a thriving life, bussiness, and creative outpouring of productivity?

How often do we take time to slow down our pace, surround ourselves with beauty, appreciation and stillness as to feel into that incredible power?

And what does it tell me?

It’s this great electrical power that makes my heart sing. A universal ‘streaming’ of fire that lights up my being, makes me wanna move, act, create! And every time I’m in alignment with that.. There’s the awareness of  ‘love streaming’.. A singing heart.. I hear it, feel it and enjoy it. For the sheer fun of it.

No longer out there to ‘save the world’, ‘do good’, ‘be the best’ , ‘inspire’, ‘live my true face’, ‘be motivated’. All of the above comes naturally from that one starting point .. Being in alignment with the power of my heart, love streaming, WHAT IS.

What if we all could come to carve out time? To allow ourselves the space to scratch away from our full agendas , full minds, full social life, the things that keep us from listening.

What if we could tune in more and more to the humming of our hearts, creating a life in alignment with the universal song that makes our hearts sing?

What do you do or let go of to listen more intently?

How could you break the spell of habitually ‘doing’ stuff to ‘get there’ and change that to allowing presence and ‘love streaming’ to make itself seen in your life?

Would you like to find out more about what can help YOU  to live life with Love?

Share your insights with me and others! Let’s make our hearts singing be known to ourselves and the ones around us!

Let ’s connect! 

For it’s a beautiful day, every day. Good or bad, happy or unhappy, in every moment there’s a possibility to retrace your steps and tune into the power of your heart and appreciate it’s constant aliveness and passion.

I am not writing this in a moment of my life where everything is in order, complete harmony and peaceful revelation. Though you may seem to read so in the above..So much is going on, on so many levels, and I feel being taken on an intense roller coaster,most of the time right now. And I have no clue as to where my heart is taking me.

But I do feel that if I stay close to this feeling of alignment I’ll be ok. I will be able to trust and see what may be.

So I do not have the wisdom and equanimity in my life so many speak about and strife for. It’s often a mess. Chaos abounding.
But within that whirlpool of emotions, thoughts, habitual patterns and energies swirling around there’s always that still point ..

An awareness…

Love streaming… 

To live Life with Love.. To me.. Is being with that and knowing.. I am THIS.

Perfect, brilliant, stillness. Love streaming…. 

I am on the path of letting go of all the clutter and distractions that keep me from seeing, feeling and hearing my heart sing. And sharing that journey with you is my passion.

For right there, on that road, I find the freedom, joy and fulfillment  I wish for you to have in your life too.

I believe we will live in a better world if we all have that.

And I would love to hear from you:

On what path are you? What’s your journey?

How do you navigate that path as to be in alignment with love streaming, bringing forth your gifts to the people in your life, work and community?

I invite you to face your life, your singing heart. To hear its song and take your steps in accordance with that music.

Then passion, niche, ‘talent’ or ‘drive’ will flow from there, and so will your life, your bussiness, your relationships.

Can you imagine what Life may look like then?

I look forward to meeting you on this journey and I welcome your story.

Please share your dreams and wishes with me and others below this blog.

To living Life with Love!


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